For instance; that I think of you every day, not all day; but every day.
You should know that sometimes I can’t sleep,
That I spent hours looking back, it’s so bad for my mental health
But it’s so nice to see your face, at least in my mind.
Every time I look at the clock it’s the minute twelve,
Seriously you have no idea how it haunts me,
At first I thought it was so bad, but eventually I learned to enjoy it,
I’ll embrace every twelve that cross my way.
You should know that when I blow a dandelion,
I always wish your well-being; I used to wish that we remain together forever,
But for obvious reasons I had to modify that.
You should know that I have a huge faith in you,
I always believed in you, I always admired you.
You should know that every time we’re in the same bed,
Even tho we’re just friends, we’re so much more,
Every time we’re in the same little known place it’s like
Nothing ever happened; it’s like the time stud still,
Like we’re back in that apartment, afternoon, like
Nights in your room, but we are just ‘friends’
and I’m sure you sleep fine without me every night.
You should know that I always knew everything,
All of it, the girls, the fame, the alcohol, the party’s,
The pictures, the comments, until it hurt me so bad
That I had to stop, I had to look away, take that little part
Of my focus, from you.
You should know that I've always been in love with you,
I guess you always know it's true.
You should know that you were the first thing on my mind
Every morning.
you should know that you were the last thought on my mind
every night.
And you should know that in my heart you fill every corner.
and then, you shall know....
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