
Good reasons.

We all have good reasons for leaving, the hard thing is to stay..
We all have good reasons for dying, the hard thing is to live..
Death is peaceful, death is easy, living is hectic..
Choosing to fight is hard... and sometimes, only sometimes, worth it..

You're just another story I can't tell anymore..

And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, the dreams in wich I'm dying are the best I've ever had... I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to see..


Fragmentos (4)

…Pero en efecto todo pasa por una razón, aún no concilio el sueño, tomo mi cartera y saco de ahí la pequeña hojita le falta una parte ya, y jamás, sin importar lo mucho que yo quiera podrá quedar como era, como solía ser, podemos modificar las cosas en su estado actual, pero jamás serán lo que algún día fueron, podría destruir esa pequeña hoja, podría hacerla pedazos y terminar de una vez por todas con su perfección, por que aunque le falte un parte sigue siendo perfecta, las líneas siguen ahí, y aunque la haga polvo y ya no parezca esa hoja y sean sólo minúsculos pedazos, siempre habrá existido, en mi mente siempre recordaré cuando tocó mi mano después de volar por el aire, ese árbol siempre recordará que perdió esa hoja por que una chica sentada en sus raíces necesitaba una señal para seguir luchando por lo que más quería, por que los corazones les hablan a la corteza y a las ramas, y les cuentan sus penas y ellos sonríen y les dicen que todo estará bien que todo sanará sino es ahora, con el tiempo será por eso la naturaleza es sabia, por que escucha y consuela, por eso el aire nos habla y nos acaricia cuando nadie más lo hace, cuando nadie más se entera de lo que pasa, no les tenemos que hablar en voz alta, ellos entienden de la comunicación no hablada, y así con la pequeña hoja en mano me acomodo para dormir..

And you never did..

My dreams..


It speaks for itself..

The becoming..

You’ve been gone for too long,
Now I can say I’m done.

This is the last time

I will ever love you, and I mean it, with the nerves coming out of my body, like I’ve meant all the words previously said, I could write you until my fingers numb away, until the breaking dawn, but what good will it do? My offer stud and you chose.
By now I have seen many things on earth and the thing that was painful to see, was the heart of man, it dreams and never rests, it’s a bad deal.

The burden of my soul, worn out, completely, more tired than my own legs, sick of using my heart day after day, here I am on this bed at this time waiting for the final words to come out and release me from this golden prison.

Your heart at the surface of your skin, your hands, your smile almost lost around a cry, this heart of yours, so poor, so plain, and this step of yours looking for me where I have not gone, all this that you do and don’t do, sometimes is like a way of fighting with you.
I’m done, finally found that life goes on without you and the world still turns when you’re not around, at a distance, you, unknown, beloved whom I kept silent, gaze that I have not seen, lie that I was told and always believed.

I thank you for everything and more, I could never describe how far the knowledge that you provide me will go, everything done in the name of love, is done beyond good and evil, that was how I loved you, beyond understanding.

Listening for voices but it’s the choices that make us who we are, I’ll go my own way, even seasons have changed, I’ll just burn those new leaves over, the hair in my eyes it never really disguise what I was thinking..

There's only so much that our heart can grow, then everything else starts to overflow but we were young and in love back then there was no way of knowing, when you are in the infinite state of infatuation, a feeling, no word or emotion could ever come close to describing, you feel as though this life is worth living. And when you lose it, it’s unreal. It’s a pain I can’t describe. I now know from my suffering that the time period in which I did feel this happiness was worth it. There are few moments in life in which I believe we find true happiness, a moment in which everything stands still and every emotion thought or worry is gone, and you’re a single soul floating in a world of ecstasy. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t trade for anything. There is no real conclusion to this, so we pushed and we pulled with our nerves of steel, you had the pedals and I had the wheel and the terrible truthis we never knew where we were going.

My only advice for you: bury it, there are many silent men under the ground who will take care of it, don’t leave it there, bury It and look up, look towards heaven… you know this one pretty well, it’s not the place we go when we die, it’s that moment in life when we actually feel alive, so live for that moment..

It’s not said, it gets to our eyes, our hands, trembles, struggles, but it wins us over.